Export agent rollup info
Recently, the OpsMgr team released a delayed Rollup 7 to Operations Manager. Some times, working with SCOM you’re forced to perform some sort of change management how strict this is depends on your company policy. After installing the latest rollup to OpsMgr you will have to patch your agents as well. I do not know how you do this in your company, but it’s either completely manual process (i hope not), through the console for remote managed agents (if your firewall allows it) or with another tool. WSUS, SCCM etc. No matter how you do it, you will wan’t to check which agent where patched or more exactly, the agent that need attention.
So the other day, i wrote a small script to provide me this information. I know, SCOM has it’s own agent version info view, but i needed to be able to work on it “offline” at that point. This is a simple script which takes input for management server, rollup info and what type of export you want, html or csv.
Lets call this a “fast publish”, so please let me know if you experience any problems.
I have attached a few screenshots to illustrate. And the script, GetSCOMPatchlist