Using webhook in scom subscription (POC)
Recently, I was at System Center Universe (Now, Experts Live) in Berlin. During one side session i got talk to Cameron Fuller (Microsoft MVP) and I asked if he knew if anybody had used azure automation and it’s webhook capabilites in a SCOM subscription.
At Intility (my employer) we have developed an alert central which handles alerts from Solarwinds and other systems we use daily. OpsMgr is one of few systems that still tap directly in to our ticketing system, but were working on a change here. Webhooks and azure automation is one thing were looking at.
My attempt (if possible), using webhooks and Azure automation is to be able to send alerts from SCOM, and not have something query for new alerts when there nothing to handle. Cameron quickly reached out to his fellow MVPs and a few ours later i got a reply. Turns out that Jakob Gottlieb Svendsen (MVP) from Coretech had used webhooks in a recovery task. He basicly done all the work now :). (read this :))
The rest of this post will quickly show how to.
- Create azure automation account
- Create a new runbook
- Add webhook
- Runbook parameter
- SCOM Command Channel and subscription
Azure Automation Account
Search for automation accounts in services and add a new Automation account. Use an existing resource group or create a new. After wizard is finished we should have an account assigned to a subscription.
By now you have probably read Jakobs blog and you have a new runbook in place, but i will guide you through anyway 🙂
Create a new runbook and use “Powershell workflow”. Once finished you will be sent to the online editor which is fine for now, but i suggest you download azure automation addon for ISE if you plan to do a lot of scripting here 🙂
Azure Automation PS worflow will start like this. If you add script parameter and publish where able to create a webhook. Place your normal PS script between the two curly brackets.
workflow 'your runbook name' { Param [object]($WebhookData) }
I have adde the parameter already, that way we are able to create webhook an parameter at the next step.
Next task is to create a webhook for your runbook. With a webhook you are able to call the runbook with a URL and also pass parameters with JSON data inside the url. (Heres where the parameter for your webhook and script comes in)
Remember, copy your webhook URL – it’s not available after it is created
After youre ‘hooked’ add paramters and define where to run. For this test i just fire it off in azure, but you can run your script on prem with the hybrid worker. Use your script parameter in the webhook data input.
You have probably added your own script inside the Azure workflow already, but here is my OpsMgrAlertHandlerTEST script which is based on Jakobs example and will output some key alert datato the console. Instead of just output it to the console i can now pass this information to our alert central by triggering a new runbook or adding it directly within this script.
workflow OpsMgrAlertHandlerTEST { param ( [object]$WebhookData ) $WebhookName = $WebhookData.WebhookName $WebhookHeaders = $WebhookData.RequestHeader $WebhookBody = $WebhookData.RequestBody $Inputs = ConvertFrom-JSON $webhookdata.RequestBody $ComputerName = $Inputs.ComputerName $AlertName = $Inputs.Alert $ResolutionState = $Inputs.State $AlertID = $Inputs.AlertID Write-Output "Computername: $ComputerName" Write-Output "Alert: $AlertName" Write-Output "State: $ResolutionState" Write-Output "ID: $AlertID" Write-Output "$Inputs" }
From scom we will use powershell to POST alert data with invoke-restmethod and the URL you copied from the webhook configuration, right?
Again Jakob is apparently our JSON webhook guy
SCOM Command Channel and subscription
Our final step is to create a command channel, subscriber and a subscription to trigger the runbook. From the admin panel in scom create a new command notification channel
In settings we will add path to Powershell and a command to run. Remember. Webhook url and the parameters to POST
Here is my full commandline (i have removed my webhook uri here)
-executionpolicy Unrestricted -Command " &{Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri 'YOUR WEBHOOK URL' -Body (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @{'ComputerName'='$Data[Default='Not Present']/Context/DataItem/ManagedEntityPath$\$Data[Default='Not Present']/Context/DataItem/ManagedEntityDisplayName$';'Alert'='$Data[Default='Not Present']/Context/DataItem/AlertName$';'State'='$Data[Default='Not Present']/Context/DataItem/ResolutionStateName$';'AlertID'='$Data/Context/DataItem/AlertId$'}) -ErrorAction Stop}"
Inside the JSON string we will pass Computer Name, Alert name and the resolution state. Modify this by using the picker on the right side. After you have created the channel, create a new subscriber to use with this channel and finally create the actual subscription
For this test/POC i have chosen to send all information alerts to this subscription. These are mostly rules i can close (and generate) during testing.
Subscriber and channel are the two we just created.
At this point you should have:
- Azure automation account
- Automation runbook, my example or your own
- Web hook enabled
- Command channel
- Subscriber and subscription
Finally, lets test our solution. I have added all informational messages to this subscription. I will close one of those and cross my fingers. We can follow the process in azure portal
As you see the job is queued and in the output console we see the output from our webhook data
It worked!
As this is totally in a proof of concept state for us i would greatly apriciate inputs on how we can accomplish the task using other methods.
As we see, using webhooks in a subscription works quite well. But i havent implemented it in our production environment or sent it to our alert central yet. I see some issues, one being limited by how many powershell scripts we can run at once. Jakob suggested maybe we will look in to creating a connector and let us query a subscription for new alerts but i haven’t gotten around to try it out.
I may need your help. I’ve been doing research on gate io recently, and I’ve tried a lot of different things. Later, I read your article, and I think your way of writing has given me some innovative ideas, thank you very much.