Weather Data in OMS Log Analytics
If you’re one of the few who has seen my last blog posts about my SCOM weather management pack, you have probably figured that I am a bit too much in to the weather. Along side the weather management pack I looked in to getting the same type of data in to Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) and the Log analytics part of it. I knew that OMS has a REST api that supports sending data without having to use any agents and i figured that’s perfect for my little weather study.
For around three weeks ago I took bits an pieces from my weather MP and made a powershell script that could output Json which is used in MSOMS API. On TechNet Brian Wren has written a guide on how to get started using the Data Collector API – I grabbet the already created functions and adapted those in to my script, placed it in Azure Automation and forgot the whole thing until last friday where i created a view for some of the data and posted it on Twitter
Community chief, Cameron Fuller reached out an told me he worked on the same thing. I contacted him by email and we exchanged our scripts and he shared some tips as well.
Enough with the history. The script we created have the ability to get weather data from (norwegian site) and openweathermap. was what i used for SCOM, and OpenWeather was something Cameron was looking in to. There API’s are different, but OK to work with.
Setting the script together
The script has four functions two of them are from technet, and is required to get an autorization key, and the other one to send the data. These are well documented so i will go through the ones who get the data and how it ties together.
Get-YrWeatherData has an XML based API. We get data from observations and the forcasted temperature. To use it you get the full URL from example:
#region YRno Config $URLs = '', '', '', '', '' $YRLog = "YRno" #setting the log type for YRno #endregion
param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$locationURL ) $LogType = "YRno" #setting the log type for YRno if (!$locationURL){ $locationURL = ''} #default URL to Oslo, Norway #Create a table to accept multiple locations $weatherTable = @() foreach ($url in $locationurl){ [xml]$yr = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL -UseBasicParsing [string]$locationName = $ #Getting the forcasted temperature [int]$ForecastTemp = $yr.SelectNodes("//forecast").tabular.time.temperature.value | Select-Object -First 1 [int]$Forecastprecipitation = $yr.SelectNodes("//forecast").tabular.time.precipitation.value | Select-Object -First 1 [int]$observedtemp = $yr.SelectNodes("//observations").weatherstation.temperature.value | Select-Object -First 1 [string]$observedVindName = $yr.SelectNodes("//observations") | Select-Object -First 1 [string]$observedVindDirectioName = $yr.SelectNodes("//observations") | Select-Object -First 1 #Output $weatherData = @{ 'LocationName' = $locationName 'ForecastedTemp' = $ForecastTemp 'Precipitation' = $Forecastprecipitation 'ObservedTemp' = $observedtemp 'WindDirection' = $observedVindDirectioName 'Wind' = $observedVindName } #add location weather data to our table $weatherTable +=$weatherData } #Convert data to Json accepted by OMS $weathertable | ConvertTo-Json }
Probably the one that is going to be used by the broad audience.
To use this you must sign up to and obtain an API key. It is free for unless you use it for some commercial stuff or use huge amount of data.
The function uses a location ID inside the variable $Citys. I find it easiest to just grab it from the end of the location url after you have found your city. Paris FR,
Chose between Imperial, Metric or Kelvin to adapt to your needs – who uses kelvin?
The current version has a bug where it only supports one location ID. We are looking in to it and will update when it’s fixed.
#region OpenWeathermap Config $Citys = '3137115' $Unit = 'Metric' #chose between Metric, Imperial or Kelvin $OpenLog = "OpenWeather" #setting log type for OpenWeatherMap #endregion
Param ($OpenWeatherMapKey, $Citys) $LogType = "OpenWeather" #setting log type for OpenWeatherMap $weatherTable = @() Foreach ($city in $Citys){ $GetWeather = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$City&APPID=$OpenWeatherMapKey&units=$Units" [String]$City = $ [String]$WeatherDescription = $ [int]$Temp = $GetWeather.main.temp [int]$WindSpeed = $GetWeather.wind.speed [int]$BarometricPressure = $GetWeather.main.pressure [int]$Humidity = $GetWeather.main.humidity #Output $weatherData = @{ 'City' = $city 'Temp' = $Temp 'Humidity' = $Humidity 'WindSpeed' = $WindSpeed 'BarometricPressure' = $BarometricPressure 'Description' = $WeatherDescription } $weatherTable += $weatherData #Convert data to Json accepted by OMS $weathertable | ConvertTo-Json } #End Function }
OpenWeather also have a good API documentation
Setting up Azure Automation part
We designed the whole thing to run in Azure automation and for it to be easy for others to use we utilize the ability to store encrypted variables to use inside your scripts.
Assuming you already have an azure automation account you go to: Automation accounts > ‘account’ >Assets and create the following variables
- CustomerID
- This is the OMS workspace ID
- SharedKey
- Primary key from your OMS workspace
- OpenWeatherMapKey
- If using openweathermap. This is you api key
Finished, it should look like this
The next thing will be to create a azure automation runbook. I will suggest you use the ISE addon to create runbooks/workflows, but for this its a matter of copy and paste so web gui is fine. Below you will find the initial script release, but latest version is always available on GitHub
<# .DESCRIPTION OMS weather Solution - track weather forecast and observations within MSOMS Usage and Configuration: There are one config region per function. This script can get data from OpenweatherMap or Norwegian (not only norwegian locations) Edit each config area to fit your own environment. Script is intended to run in azure atuomation. You will have to create runbook assets to use this script If you want to run in another automation tool or on your own computer, please change the general variables In the end of the script. Comment out the function you do not want to use. .NOTES Version 1.5 Martin Ehrnst / /@ehrnst Cameron Fuller, Catapult systems /@cfullerMVP .CHANGELOG 30.01.2017 v.1.5: Fixed multiple location issue for Open Weather Map. Thanks to 'jowildes' (blog comment) pointed out that there was some incorrect bracket placements causing the trouble Minor code changes October 2016 v1.1 (Initial release) #> #region General variables $customerId = Get-AutomationVariable -Name 'CustomerID' $SharedKey = Get-AutomationVariable -Name 'SharedKey' $OpenWeatherMapKey = Get-AutomationVariable -Name 'OpenWeatherMapKey' $time = [DATETIME]::Now #endregion #region OpenWeathermap Config $Citys = '3137115', '2643743', '1880252' #Get your City ID from Open Weather Map URL $Unit = 'Metric' #chose between Metric, Imperial or Kelvin $OpenLog = "OpenWeather" #setting log type for OpenWeatherMap #endregion #region YRno Config $URLs = '', '', '', '', '' $YRLog = "YRno" #setting the log type for YRno #endregion function Get-YrWeatherData{ <# Get-YrWeatherData uses xml api to get loaction forcasted and observed temperature. Result is converted to Json and originally created for OMS data collector API Version 1 September 2016 Martin Ehrnst / NOTE: does not have observations for all locations. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$locationURL ) if (!$locationURL){ $locationURL = ''} #default URL to Oslo, Norway #Create a table to accept multiple locations $weatherTable = @() foreach ($url in $locationurl){ [xml]$yr = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL -UseBasicParsing [string]$locationName = $ #Getting the forcasted temperature [int]$ForecastTemp = $yr.SelectNodes("//forecast").tabular.time.temperature.value | Select-Object -First 1 [int]$Forecastprecipitation = $yr.SelectNodes("//forecast").tabular.time.precipitation.value | Select-Object -First 1 [int]$observedtemp = $yr.SelectNodes("//observations").weatherstation.temperature.value | Select-Object -First 1 [string]$observedVindName = $yr.SelectNodes("//observations") | Select-Object -First 1 [string]$observedVindDirectioName = $yr.SelectNodes("//observations") | Select-Object -First 1 #Output $weatherData = @{ 'LocationName' = $locationName 'ForecastedTemp' = $ForecastTemp 'Precipitation' = $Forecastprecipitation 'ObservedTemp' = $observedtemp 'WindDirection' = $observedVindDirectioName 'Wind' = $observedVindName } #add location weather data to our table $weatherTable +=$weatherData } #Convert data to Json accepted by OMS $weathertable | ConvertTo-Json } Function Get-OpenWeatherMapData { <# Get-OpenWeatherMapData Uses api to get weather data and inserts in to OMS log analytics Version 1.0 January 2017 Created by Cameron Fuller & Martin Ehrnst #> Param ($OpenWeatherMapKey, $Citys) $weatherTable = @() Foreach ($city in $Citys){ $GetWeather = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$City&APPID=$OpenWeatherMapKey&units=$Unit" [String]$City = $ [String]$WeatherDescription = $ [int]$Temp = $GetWeather.main.temp [int]$WindSpeed = $GetWeather.wind.speed [int]$BarometricPressure = $GetWeather.main.pressure [int]$Humidity = $GetWeather.main.humidity #Output $weatherData = @{ 'City' = $city 'Temp' = $Temp 'Humidity' = $Humidity 'WindSpeed' = $WindSpeed 'BarometricPressure' = $BarometricPressure 'Description' = $WeatherDescription } #add location weather data to our table $weatherTable +=$weatherData } #Convert data to Json accepted by OMS $weathertable | ConvertTo-Json } #End Function # Function to create the authorization signature - TECHNET example Function New-Signature ($customerId, $sharedKey, $date, $contentLength, $method, $contentType, $resource) { $xHeaders = 'x-ms-date:' + $date $stringToHash = $method + "`n" + $contentLength + "`n" + $contentType + "`n" + $xHeaders + "`n" + $resource $bytesToHash = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($stringToHash) $keyBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($sharedKey) $sha256 = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256 $sha256.Key = $keyBytes $calculatedHash = $sha256.ComputeHash($bytesToHash) $encodedHash = [Convert]::ToBase64String($calculatedHash) $authorization = 'SharedKey {0}:{1}' -f $customerId, $encodedHash return $authorization } #Send data to OMS - a technet example Function Send-OMSData($customerId, $sharedKey, $body, $logType) { $method = 'POST' $contentType = 'application/json' $resource = '/api/logs' $rfc1123date = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString('r') $contentLength = $body.Length $signature = New-Signature ` -customerId $customerId ` -sharedKey $sharedKey ` -date $rfc1123date ` -contentLength $contentLength ` -fileName $fileName ` -method $method ` -contentType $contentType ` -resource $resource $uri = 'https://' + $customerId + '' + $resource + '?api-version=2016-04-01' $headers = @{ 'Authorization' = $signature 'Log-Type' = $logType 'x-ms-date' = $rfc1123date 'time-generated-field' = $time } $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method $method -ContentType $contentType -Headers $headers -Body $body -UseBasicParsing return $response.StatusCode } $YRdata = Get-YrWeatherData -locationURL $URLs Send-OMSData -customerId $customerId -sharedKey $sharedKey -body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($YRdata)) -logType $YRlog $YRdata $Opendata = Get-OpenWeatherMapData -OpenWeatherMapKey $OpenWeatherMapKey -Citys $Citys Send-OMSData -customerId $customerId -sharedKey $sharedKey -body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Opendata)) -logType $OpenLog $Opendata
After the script is in azure, please run a test to see if everything is alright
When everything is functioning correctly, add a schedule to the runbook and wait until tomorrow. you should have some cool data points to work with
When searching for your data. Remember dat OMS adds a default suffix “_CL” to the end of all custom data types. Fields are also getting an “_s” for string etc. You can see all custom fields from the configuration area in OMS
Time to start to play with your data
Typing Type=OpenWeather_CL | measure avg(ObservedTemp_d) by City_s interval 1hour in to your search will give a time chart similar to this.
Now, weather data is just an example, but whit the ability to send data through OMS data collector API and create our own solutions/dashboards inside OMS i know we will see some cool stuff in a short time.
The point of view of your article has taught me a lot, and I already know how to improve the paper on gate.oi, thank you.
Were you able to get the multiple city IDs for OpenWeatherMap data working correctly or not?
Hi. I haven’t looked in to it yet. Will update the post when I do. Feel free to look at it 🙂
I think i fixed it, small portion at the end of the OpenWeatherMapData function has incorrect {} placements…
this is what it was
$weatherTable += $weatherData
#Convert data to Json accepted by OMS
$weathertable | ConvertTo-Json
#End Function
this is what I changed it to
#add location weather data to our table
$weatherTable +=$weatherData
#Convert data to Json accepted by OMS
$weathertable | ConvertTo-Json
#End Function
It looks as it would build the city data, FOR Each, and then generate a CONVERTTO-JSON command after each addition to the table, creating an ill formed JSON file…
Also it looks like the site changed their XML document for the forecast.xml it no longer has an //observations node, and only a forecast node…so the data is incorrect when it is parsed….
Thank you. I will take a look and update. About it only support observations for Norwegian locations. Perhaps that is your issue?
Just so you know, i made your code changes a while ago, but never updated here. The script is now available on git hub which should make it easier to update in the future:)